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We can help you get and keep the job you always wanted. 


Services include:

  • Work assessment and career planning

  • Job search supports including resume development and interviewing techniques 

  • Support finding, applying for and securing a job

  • Job coaching and other types of job-related supports





“We marvel at the organization and positive attitude that seems to run through the workers from management, supervisors, and laborers.”

- Community employer


“Thank you for continuing to provide quality services and for being an integral part of our business.”

- Community employer




Chris had a desire to live the life of most young adults, but found himself with no job and no social outlets. After receiving support from his PSI job coach, his world opened up to much greater opportunities. He developed a routine of getting up in the morning to go to a local Boys and Girls club to volunteer, then moved on to a position which would provide him with more opportunity to practice customer service skills. He joined a local gym, and began to develop a lifestyle that was more in alignment with his dream. Now, he has obtained a paid job at an amusement park and no longer relies on a job coach for support.

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